
Home Visits

I was all ready to write a post about my home visits today but I don't really have anything to say.

I wasn't nervous to begin with and things went like I thought they would. I didn't have the parents sign all the right papers but I just felt like it was rude to keep interrupting the conversation to make them do paperwork. The parents were all friendly and probably would have talked for an hour or more if we would have allowed it. Not many complaints but the ones that did complain only mentioned certain people. (And I agreed on the inside with what they complained about.)

It was really interesting to find out that one shy student plants his own garden. He planted over 18 kinds of tomatoes, watermelon, and other things. I think his mom said 150 different things and he's done all the plowing, tilling, picking, everything. Amazing. Also that he likes working on lawn mowers and cars. He knows construction and how to lay carpet. Apparently he likes working with his hands and if he sees something done once, he can replicate it. Very interesting to know, especially considering he rarely speaks during class.

At another home, the girls (8th and 9th) hugged me when I got there and when I left. The mom wanted to be involved with the school even more than she already was and told us how she went to things at the school for her daughters' friends, even if her daughters weren't in it themselves.

Another grandma told us how she has 13 grandchildren and I'm under the impression that many of them have lived with her while she basically put them through school. I love to meet people like her who are pillars to their family.

So. Nothing too exciting to report besides I was encouraged by the way we were met with open arms. One lady was barbecuing and offered us pork steaks. Believe me, if I didn't have another appointment, I would have tore those up! I love steak!

In other exciting news, I met with the principal today and he informed me I will now be teaching Geometry, which gives me 15 more students and another prep. Joyous occasion. But the plus side is that in exchange, he split up my class of 21 hellions and so now I only have 10 hellions. The less hell, the better is what I always say. =)

I spent another 4 hours in my classroom and except for some posters I want to hang and this awesome clock I want to buy, I'm finished.

So without further ado...

Created with flickr slideshow.

Click here to see the before pictures.

All in all, a successful day.


  1. Your room looks great. A big improvement over the before pictures!

  2. Thanks Kathryn! I had a great time doing it. I love love love creating and organizing.
